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Breeders of the Nephelym is an upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG game being developed by Cardboard Fortress Games. It’s a game that blends the role-playing, exploration and adventure genres, with a combat system inspired by classic console RPGs like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI.


In Breeders of the Nephelym, players will take on the role of a young girl who is seeking to save her people from a cataclysmic event that has destroyed the world they once knew. Through exploration and storytelling, she will learn about her people and their customs.

To learn more about Breeders of the Nephelym and how you can help support its development, please visit its Kickstarter page!

What Is The Nephelym?

The Nephelym is a term that has been used to describe a variety of different species of butterflies. The Nephelym includes both the monarch butterfly and the viceroy butterfly. These two species are considered to be the most important butterflies in terms of population numbers. The monarch butterfly is known for its annual migration from North America to Mexico, and then back again. The viceroy butterfly travels from South America to Central America, and then back again.

Where Do They Come From?

Butterflies come from all over the world. They can be found in most climates and habitats, including forests, grasslands, deserts and even urban areas. There are about 1,500 different species of butterflies and they vary in size, color and shape.

Where do butterflies go during the winter?

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Butterflies go into a state of dormancy during the winter. This means that they stop flying and spending energy. Some butterflies will even migrate long distances to find warmer climates.

What Do They Look Like?

Butterflies are beautiful creatures. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, and their wings are often the highlight of their appearance. Most butterflies have wings that are bright colors and decorated with intricate patterns. Some of the common butterfly species include the monarch, tortoise beetle, swallowtail, peacock and blue jay.

How do they eat?

Butterflies primarily eat nectar from flowers. Nectar is very rich in sugar and provides all the necessary nutrients to the butterfly. Butterflies also drink water when it is available.

What Are Their Powers?

Butterflies have many amazing powers, some of which include the ability to fly, see in the dark and hear better than humans. They are also known for their delicate beauty and unique markings.

Are They Dangerous?

Yes, fire pits are very dangerous and if done incorrectly, you could end up hurting yourself or worse, start a fire. If you’re thinking of having a fire pit on the grass, make sure to check with your local municipality to see if it’s okay. In general, you should avoid putting your fire pit on dirt because when the wood ashes fall onto the ground, that’s where they will stay until they are washed away. You also want to be careful about how close the fire pit is to trees because if the embers fall onto any branches or leaves, that could easily start a fire. Finally, always make sure to buy a fire pit that features an elevated design so that it does not come in contact with your body or clothing.


How Can You Become A Breeder Of The Nephelym?

Becoming a breeder of the Nephelym is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, there are many different ways that you can get started. The most important thing is to find a reputable breeder who has a good knowledge of the species and is committed to raising healthy butterflies. You also need to make sure that you have a suitable habitat for your butterflies and provide them with the best food and care possible.


Join the ranks of the Nephelym breeders today! These powerful and alluring creatures are sure to bring you excitement and fortunes. With their unique abilities and appearance, the Nephelym are sure to turn heads and catch attention wherever they go. If you’re looking for a new and thrilling challenge, consider becoming a breeder of the Nephelym!

